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Ways to Customize Your Game in

Ohodnotit tento Článek gives players multitudes of ways through which they can customize their experience and, in this article, we’ll be going into detail about these customization options. Mahjong hry zdarma - Ways to Customize Your Game in

Customization options are a fairly common aspect of most mahjong games today and it’s definitely worth implementing them because they can actually make the experience quite enjoyable for the players. No matter how good a mahjong game is, it tends to become stale after a while if players have to look at the same tiles and artwork over and over again but, fortunately, customization options ensure that this won’t ever be an issue.

The following are the ways through which players can fine-tune the experience and customize it according to their preferences in

1: Change Backgrounds comes with tons upon tons of different backgrounds that players can choose from whenever they feel like. The best thing about changing the backgrounds in this game is the fact that they don’t require players to restart the whole level. All you have to do is bring up an interface by clicking an arrow and, once you have this interface opened, you simply have to click on the background you want to immediately switch to it. The variety of backgrounds is quite solid so you’ll be able to choose from many great options.

2: Choose Tilesets

The ability to change tilesets is something that absolutely every single mahjong game should offer because looking at the same tiles over and over again makes things a lot less enjoyable than they potentially could be. Thankfully, comes with over 15 different tilesets that players can utilize and each individual tileset looks completely unique. The tilesets in this game have been inspired by various different things such as gems and historical settings so you’re bound to find quite a few that are according to your preferences.

3: Change Layouts

Although this is a feature that most mahjong games should and would probably offer, stands out from all the rest by providing players with a much wider range of layouts to play, including fan favorites like the traditional layouts, zodiac-themed layouts and more.

4: Change Camera Setting

Most mahjong games come with a static camera that gives players a top down view of each layout until they’ve completed it but comes with a special dynamic camera option that actually keeps changing the view depending on how the game is being played and this is a delightful feature that we don’t commonly see in traditional mahjong games.

5: Adjust Visual Quality

Perhaps the most important feature out of all these is the fact that actually allows players to increase or decrease the quality of the game’s visuals depending on performance. The ability to adjust visual quality is great because it allows players with low-end PCs to tone down the quality for a smoother gameplay experience whereas players with high-end PCs can max out the visuals for a truly immersive experience.

All said and done, is a delightful game that gives players tons upon tons of ways through which they can customize the experience according to their liking and this is why it’s highly recommended that you give the game a shot.

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